Selekt Nutritional Formulae
The SELEKT nutritional formulae are easy-to-use sachets to aid in hydration and clinical nutrition of cows and other adult ruminants.
An effective and rapid delivery of fluid and clinical nutrition for cattle.
The Selekt formulae range consists of Fresh Cow, Off Feed, Restore, Antacid and Selekt Glycerol Plus.
The Selekt nutritional range are intended for delivery in the rumen using a SELEKT cattle pump and drenching set with at least 20 litres of warm water.
Click on the links below for more information:
The SELEKT Formulae range is available direct through your vet or For any questions please call your Agilis rep on 0800 AGILIS.
The nutritional range is designed to be used with the Selekt Pump and Drencher combo and the Selekt 22L bucket. Click here for more information about the Selekt Equipment.