Amplimune, a mycobacterium cell wall fraction (MCWF) immunostimulant, is used as a single dose to aid in the reduction of clinical signs and mortality associated with K99 E. coli diarrhea in neonatal calves.
Amplimune is an immunotherapeutic agent administered to aid in reducing mortality and severity of clinical signs associated with Enterotoxigenic E. coli K99(F5) infection (ETEC scours) in neonatal calves ( from 24 hours afterbirth to 5 days of age.
Amplimune a mycobacterium cell wall fraction immunostimulant is new to New Zealand for the 2021 season.
The Mycobacteriaceae have been known for many years to have immune – amplifying activity. Amplimune is an emulsion of mycobacterium cell wall fractions that have been modified to reduce their toxic and allergic effects but retain their immunotherapeutic activity.
This stimulates the innate humoral immune responses by activating macrophages and stimulating the cloning of polymorphonuclear leucocytes ( PMN). These activated phagocytic cells simulate a cytokine cascade that result in the initiation of a response against invading pathogens such as Escherichia coli.
*Immunotherapy may not be as effective in animals with higher than normal circulating cortisol (cortisolemia). Avoid the use of corticosteroids or ACTH wherever possible.
Dosage; Calves -Aseptically administer 1ml as a one-time IV injection as soon as clinical signs of disease (diarrhoea) are observed, to calves from 24 hours after birth to 5 days of age.
It is important to ensure the emulsion remains thoroughly mixed during the injections. Shake the vial gently, roll between hands to assist emulsification.
Presentation; 5ml glass vials